Retail, Merchants, and Technology
02-07-2025 - 20:34:06

     - Indicates action since the request date.

Track: Retail, Merchants, Technology   Request Date: 0- 0-0000 thru 99-99-9999

HB 1075   
Ray, David (R)
Bryant, Joshua (R)
To prohibit a local government from regulating the sale or use of a lawn care device or imposing a tax or fee on the use of a lawn care device in certain circumstances.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 01-03-25 H Filed
01-13-25 H Introduced and referred to H-State Agencies
01-22-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 151 ...H-State Agencies
01-22-25 H Reported from committee - Do pass H-State Agencies
01-23-25 H Placed on the House calendar
01-23-25 H On floor for consideration in the House
01-23-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 76/N: 17)
01-23-25 S Received in the Senate - Referred to S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-28-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-28-25 S Reported from committee - Do pass S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-29-25 S Placed on the Senate calendar
01-29-25 S On floor for consideration in the Senate
01-29-25 S Postponed in third reading
01-30-25 S Re-referred to committee S-City, County and Local Affairs
02-06-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
02-05-25 S Meeting cancelled for 02/06/25 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
02-11-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs

HB 1082   
Gramlich, Zachary (R)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To create the Arkansas Children and Teens Online Privacy Protection Act.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 01-13-25 H Filed
01-13-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Aging, Children, Legislative & Military
01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Aging, Children, Legislative & Military
01-22-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
01-23-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
01-30-25 H Amendment 2 adopted
02-07-25 H Amendment(s) Filed

HB 1083   
Gramlich, Zachary (R)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To create the Arkansas Kids Online Safety Act.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 01-13-25 H Filed
01-13-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Aging, Children, Legislative & Military
01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Aging, Children, Legislative & Military
01-22-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
01-23-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
01-30-25 H Amendment 2 adopted
02-07-25 H Amendment(s) Filed

HB 1159   
Richardson, Jay (D) To create the Retail Convenience Store Security Act; and to regulate security measures at retail convenience stores.
Position: Oppose
Bill History: 01-16-25 H Filed
01-16-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Insurance and Commerce
02-05-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

SB 10   
King, Bryan (R) To amend the Arkansas Data Centers Act of 2023; and to regulate the impact on water usage and the electric grid by blockchain networks and digital asset mining.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 12-13-24 S Filed
01-13-25 S Introduced and referred to S-City, County and Local Affairs
02-04-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
02-04-25 S Moved to deferred list S-City, County and Local Affairs

SB 11   
King, Bryan (R) To amend the Arkansas Data Centers Act of 2023; and to amend the Uniform Money Services Act.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 12-13-24 S Filed
01-13-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Insurance and Commerce

SB 60   
Hill, Ricky (R)
Evans, Brian (R)
To prohibit a digital asset mining business from being located within a thirty-mile radius of a military facility; and to declare an emergency.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 01-14-25 S Filed
01-15-25 S Introduced and referred to S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-30-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-29-25 S Amendment 1 adopted
01-30-25 S Committee motion for D.P. as amended Failed (Vote: Y: 1/N: 6)

SB 97   
Hester, Bart (R)
Moore, Jeremiah (R)
To authorize the issuance of additional retail liquor permits to certain existing holders of retail liquor permits.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 01-23-25 S Filed
01-23-25 S Introduced and referred to S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-28-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-28-25 S Reported from committee - Do pass S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-29-25 S Placed on the Senate calendar
01-29-25 S On floor for consideration in the Senate
01-29-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 23/N: 10)
01-29-25 H Received in the House - Referred to H-Rules
02-05-25 H Meeting set for 12:00 p.m. - MAC Room B ...H-Rules

SB 98   
Davis, Breanne (R)
Maddox, John (R)
To amend the law regarding alcoholic beverages; to authorize the third-party delivery of alcoholic beverages from certain retailers; and to create a third-party delivery permit.
Position: Monitor
Bill History: 01-23-25 S Filed
01-23-25 S Introduced and referred to S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-30-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
01-29-25 S Amendment(s) Filed
01-29-25 S Amendment 1 adopted
01-30-25 S Reported from committee - Do pass S-City, County and Local Affairs
02-03-25 S On floor for consideration in the Senate
02-03-25 S Failed (Vote: N: 12/Y: 15)
02-07-25 S Amendment(s) Filed

- End of Report -