Bill Status Report
03-12-2025 - 20:03:48

     - Indicates action since the request date.

Track: AMS - For Legislative Update   Request Date: 0- 0-0000 thru 99-99-9999

HB 1004    Pilkington, Aaron (R) To require Medicaid coverage for postpartum mothers for one year after giving birth.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-24-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1008    Collins, Andrew (D) To require Medicaid coverage for postpartum mothers for one year after giving birth.
Bill History: 01-23-25 H Amendment 2 adopted
01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-20-25 H Committee hearing set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1009    Collins, Andrew (D) To allow pregnancy to be a qualifying event for enrollment in certain health benefit plans.
Bill History: 01-13-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Insurance and Commerce
01-16-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
02-26-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1010    Collins, Andrew (D) To set the reimbursement rate in the Arkansas Medicaid program for maternal health services.
Bill History: 01-23-25 H Amendment 2 adopted
01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-20-25 H Committee hearing set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1012    Collins, Andrew (D) To require the Arkansas Medicaid program to extend eligibility to certain individuals for family planning services.
Bill History: 01-16-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-20-25 H Committee hearing set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1013    Hudson, Ashley (D) To protect fertility treatment rights in this state.
Bill History: 01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-27-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-27-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1029    Garner, Denise (D) To set the reimbursement rate in the Arkansas Medicaid program for mental health services and services related to addiction.
Bill History: 01-16-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-20-25 H Committee hearing set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1031    Garner, Denise (D) To create the Arkansas Healthy Lifestyle Education Act of 2025; and to ensure the health curriculum in Arkansas public schools addresses certain health issues facing students.
Bill History: 01-13-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Education
01-16-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
01-17-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Education

HB 1047    Pilkington, Aaron (R) To authorize the Arkansas Medicaid Program to make presumptive eligibility determinations for pregnant women.
Bill History: 01-21-25 H Meeting set for Upon adjournment - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
01-21-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-18-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1053    Pilkington, Aaron (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To require reimbursement for remote ultrasound procedures and remote fetal nonstress tests in the Arkansas Medicaid program.
Bill History: 01-21-25 H Meeting set for Upon adjournment - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
01-27-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-18-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1054    Pilkington, Aaron (R) To require the Arkansas Medicaid program to cover blood pressure monitors for pregnant and postpartum women.
Bill History: 01-21-25 H Meeting set for Upon adjournment - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
01-27-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-18-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1055    Mayberry, Julie (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To establish coverage diagnosis and treatment to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease or other dementia-related disease under the state and public school life and health insurance program.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
01-30-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
02-26-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1061    Pilkington, Aaron (R)
Davis, Breanne (R)
To ensure that individuals with gestational diabetes are provided coverage for continuous glucose monitors under the Arkansas Medicaid Program.
Bill History: 01-21-25 H Meeting set for Upon adjournment - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
01-27-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-18-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1069    Meeks, Stephen (R) To observe standard time year-round and to eliminate daylight saving time in Arkansas.
Bill History: 03-10-25 H Meeting set for Upon adjournment - Room 151 ...H-State Agencies
03-12-25 H Set for special order of business on ...H-State Agencies
03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 151 ...H-State Agencies

HB 1079    Allen, Fred (D)
Wallace, Dave (R)
To mandate coverage for genetic testing for an inherited gene mutation for certain individuals; and to mandate coverage for evidence-based cancer imaging for certain individuals.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
01-30-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1131    Pilkington, Aaron (R) To authorize an advanced practice registered nurse to delegate certain tasks to medical assistants and other unlicensed staff.
Bill History: 03-10-25 S Meeting set for Upon adjournment of S-Transportation - Room ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-10-25 S Meeting cancelled for 03/10/25 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Meeting set for 9:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1132    Pilkington, Aaron (R) To increase access to healthcare services provided by advanced practice registered nurses; and to amend the prescriptive authority of an advanced practice registered nurse.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-18-25 H Committee motion for D.P. as amended Failed
02-24-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1134    Unger, Steve (R) To adopt the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact in Arkansas.
Bill History: 02-13-25 H Set for special order of business on and Labor ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-13-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1138    Torres, Randy (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To authorize certain medical professionals to certify to the office of motor vehicle eligibility for a special license plate, certificate, or parking decal for a person with a disability.
Bill History: 02-12-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 30/N: 0)
02-13-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-18-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 98 )

HB 1140    Gramlich, Zachary (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To define healthcare provider regarding student athlete concussion education.
Bill History: 02-13-25 H Set for special order of business on and Labor ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-04-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
02-18-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1142    Brown, Alyssa (R)
Dotson, Jim (R)
To create the Reproductive Empowerment and Support Through Optimal Restoration (RESTORE) Act.
Bill History: 01-15-25 H Filed
01-15-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-11-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1164    Mayberry, Julie (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To allow a physician or healthcare provider to offer cognitive assessments for certain patients; and to mandate that insurance policies cover assessments for cognitive function for certain patients.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-27-25 H Amendment 2 adopted
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1165    Johnson, Lee (R) To prohibit different reimbursement rates for services performed by the same type of provider in different settings within the Arkansas Medicaid program.
Bill History: 01-27-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-25-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-24-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1167    Johnson, Lee (R) To modify the signature authority for advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants; and to clarify that durable medical equipment includes diabetic shoes and shoe inserts.
Bill History: 03-10-25 S Meeting set for Upon adjournment of S-Transportation - Room ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-10-25 S Meeting cancelled for 03/10/25 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Meeting set for 9:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1170    Johnson, Lee (R) To require the Department of Human Services to conduct a reimbursement rate review for substance abuse treatment and prevention block grant.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-20-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration
02-25-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1172    Johnson, Lee (R) To add definitions to the Medicaid Fairness Act to ensure that all rule enforcement actions are appealable.
Bill History: 02-20-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-20-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration
02-25-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1179    Vaught, DeAnn (R) To create child and adolescent mental health screening programs in schools and childcare facilities for children from birth to nineteen years of age.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-04-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
02-11-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1181    Bentley, Mary (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To amend the full practice authority of a certified nurse midwife to allow admitting privileges.
Bill History: 02-18-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 29/N: 3)
02-20-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-24-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 138 )

HB 1183    Bentley, Mary (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To create the Registered Dialysis Patient Care Technician Act.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H On floor for consideration in the House
02-24-25 H House concurred in Senate amendment 1
02-27-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 198 )

HB 1186    Vaught, DeAnn (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To create the Pain Relief Parity Act; and to require pain relief parity in the Arkansas Medicaid Program.
Bill History: 03-04-25 S Amendment(s) Filed
03-05-25 S Amendment 1 adopted
03-06-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1204    Eubanks, Jon (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To establish recovery of damages for necessary medical care, treatment, or services rendered.
Bill History: 02-06-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 18/N: 17)
02-06-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-11-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 28 )

HB 1237    Richardson, Jay (D)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To prohibit medical professionals from soliciting injured individuals; and to set penalties for a violation of the prohibition of solicitation of injured individuals.
Bill History: 01-30-25 H Placed on the House calendar
01-30-25 H On floor for consideration in the House
01-30-25 H Failed (Vote: N: 36/Y: 40)

HB 1244    Brown, Karilyn (R) To amend the requirements to obtain a certificate of full independent practice authority by a certified nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist.
Bill History: 01-27-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-13-25 H Set for special order of business on and Labor ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-04-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1251    Johnson, Lee (R)
Hammer, Kim (R)
To establish the Arkansas Anesthesiologist Assistant Act; and to provide for licensure of anesthesiologist assistants.
Bill History: 03-10-25 S Meeting cancelled for 03/10/25 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Meeting set for 9:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Committee Motion for Do Pass Failed

HB 1252    Johnson, Lee (R) To establish the Certified Community-Based Doula Certification Act; and to certify birth and postpartum doulas in this state to improve maternal and infant outcomes.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-13-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1275    Cavenaugh, Frances (R)
Johnson, Blake (R)
To prohibit prior authorizations for healthcare services provided for treatment of a mental health crisis.
Bill History: 03-12-25 H On floor for consideration in the House
03-12-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 97/N: 0)
03-12-25 S Received in the Senate - Referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1285    Johnson, Lee (R)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To establish an exemption program for ambulance service's operators for certain healthcare services.
Bill History: 03-11-25 H On floor for consideration in the House
03-11-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 97/N: 0)
03-11-25 S Received in the Senate - Referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1286    Johnson, Lee (R)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To amend the Arkansas Triage, Treat, and Transport to Alternative Destination Act.
Bill History: 02-24-25 H House concurred in Senate amendment 1
02-24-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-27-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 199 )

HB 1287    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend the Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act; to define "downcode" under the Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act; and to require notification by contracting entities of downcoding.
Bill History: 02-19-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 28/N: 0)
02-20-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-24-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 136 )

HB 1288    Johnson, Lee (R) To amend the Arkansas Health Care Consumer Act; and to require a healthcare insurer to make certain retroactive payments to a provider upon credentialing of a provider.
Bill History: 03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Reported from committee - Do pass H-Insurance and Commerce
03-13-25 H Placed on the House calendar

HB 1290    Johnson, Lee (R) To mandate coverage for mental health wellness examinations; and to establish the Arkansas Support of Mental Health Wellness Examinations Act.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-20-25 H Amendment 3 adopted
02-26-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1294    Johnson, Lee (R) To allow an ambulance service to order certain types of healthcare services without a referral from a physician; and to mandate insurance coverage for an ambulance service to order certain types of healthcare services.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Insurance and Commerce
02-19-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce
02-20-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1295    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To create the Healthcare Cost-Sharing Collections Act.
Bill History: 01-29-25 H Filed
01-29-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Insurance and Commerce
02-26-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1296    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To mandate coverage for healthcare services provided in mobile units.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-20-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
02-26-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1297    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
Concerning artificial intelligence, algorithms, and other automated technologies; and to regulate certain practices of healthcare insurers.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-27-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1298    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To modify payment of benefits for certain healthcare providers under a health benefit plan.
Bill History: 03-11-25 S Reported from committee - Do pass S-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 S Placed on the Senate calendar
03-12-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 34/N: 0)

HB 1299    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To prohibit healthcare insurers from exercising recoupment for payment of healthcare services more than one year after the payment for healthcare services was made.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-20-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1300    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend the Prior Authorization Transparency Act.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Amendment 2 adopted
03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Reported from committee - Do pass as amended 3 ommerce ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1301    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend exemptions and requirements under the Prior Authorization Transparency Act.
Bill History: 03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Reported from committee - Do pass as amended 3 ommerce ...H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Amendment(s) Filed

HB 1302    Johnson, Lee (R) To add Duchenne muscular dystrophy to the Universal Newborn Screening Act.
Bill History: 01-31-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-11-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-10-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1309    Rose, Ryan (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend the law concerning coverage of examinations for breast cancer; and to clarify the cost-sharing requirements for examinations for breast cancer.
Bill History: 03-10-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 33/N: 0)
03-11-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
03-11-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 268 )

HB 1314    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend the law concerning certain audits of healthcare providers; and to create the Arkansas Medical Audit Bill of Rights Act.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-27-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1320    Wooldridge, Jeremy (R)
Tucker, Clarke (D)
To amend the law concerning crisis stabilization units and healthcare insurers.
Bill History: 01-30-25 H Filed
01-30-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Insurance and Commerce
02-26-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1332    Pilkington, Aaron (R) To require the Arkansas Medicaid program to cover glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, also known as GLP-1 agonists, when prescribed for weight loss.
Bill History: 01-30-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
01-31-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-11-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1351    Eubanks, Jon (R)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To regulate a vision benefit manager; to amend the Vision Care Plan Act of 2015; and to amend the Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act.
Bill History: 02-03-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Insurance and Commerce
02-04-25 H Motion to withdraw from committee carried H-Insurance and Commerce
02-04-25 H Withdrawn from further consideration

HB 1353    Eubanks, Jon (R) To regulate a vision benefit manager; to amend the Vision Care Plan Act of 2015 and to amend the Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act.
Bill History: 02-19-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 28/N: 1)
02-20-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-24-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 142 )

HB 1384    Johnson, Lee (R)
Dismang, Jonathan (R)
To amend the law concerning the Graduate Medical Education Residency Expansion Board.
Bill History: 02-25-25 S Emergency clause adopted
02-26-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-27-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 196 )

HB 1424    Johnson, Lee (R)
Johnson, Blake (R)
To mandate coverage for severe obesity treatments.
Bill History: 03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Reported from committee - Do pass H-Insurance and Commerce
03-13-25 H Placed on the House calendar

HB 1426    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend the Healthcare Contracting Simplification Act.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Reported from committee - Do pass H-Insurance and Commerce

HB 1427    Pilkington, Aaron (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To create the Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Act; and to amend Arkansas law to improve maternal health in this state.
SB 213 Irvin, Missy (Same As)
  2-24-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 140)
Bill History: 02-18-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 24/N: 0)
02-20-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
02-20-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 124 )

HB 1429    Shepherd, Matthew (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To increase accessibility while ensuring quality for certain facilities performing mammography services; and to amend the law concerning the quality standards for accreditation of facilities for mammography.
Bill History: 03-10-25 H Passed (Vote: Y:100/N: 0)
03-10-25 S Received in the Senate - Referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-11-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1452    Lundstrum, Robin (R)
Dees, Tyler (R)
Clarifying the law on the use of medical marijuana in certain places; and prohibiting the possession of an unsealed container of certain forms of medical marijuana in a motor vehicle.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 32/N: 0)
03-07-25 H Enrolled in the House - Sent to Governor
03-11-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 271 )

HB 1458    Johnson, Lee (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend the definition of "credentialing information" when the Arkansas State Medical Board is providing information to credentialing organizations.
Bill History: 02-26-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 97/N: 0)
02-26-25 S Received in the Senate - Referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-03-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1532    Johnson, Lee (R) To create the Arkansas Rare Disease Advisory Council.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Filed
02-19-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-04-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1554    Brown, Alyssa (R)
Dotson, Jim (R)
To create the Assisted Reproductive Technology Reporting Act.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Amendment(s) Filed
02-26-25 H Amendment 1 adopted
03-04-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1592    Mayberry, Julie (R)
Penzo, Clint (R)
To create the Arkansas Alzheimer's and Dementia Public Health Act.
Bill History: 02-25-25 H Filed
02-25-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1610    Lundstrum, Robin (R)
Hickey, Jimmy (R)
To amend the Arkansas Human Life Protection Act and the Arkansas Unborn Child Protection Act.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Received in the Senate - Referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-07-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Reported from committee - Do pass S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1622    Gramlich, Zachary (R)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To amend the Medicaid Fairness Act; to modify the definition of "adverse decision" under the Medicaid Fairness Act; and to provide for administrative reconsideration under the Medicaid Fairness Act.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-03-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1668    Bentley, Mary (R)
Clark, Alan (R)
To create the Vulnerable Youth Protection Act; and to authorize a civil action for social transitioning and castration, sterilization, or mutilation of a minor.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Filed
03-04-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Judiciary
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Judiciary

HB 1670    Johnson, Lee (R) To create the Preceptor Tax Incentive Program; and to provide incentives for certain medical or counseling professionals to train certain students who are learning to become medical or counseling professionals.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Filed
03-04-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Revenue and Taxation
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 151 ...H-Revenue and Taxation

HB 1679    Brown, Matt (R)
Irvin, Missy (R)
To amend the Revised Arkansas Anatomical Gift Act; to allow certain classes of persons to revoke or amend an anatomical gift upon the death of the donor; and to require certain reporting of procurement organizations.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Filed
03-04-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

HB 1700    Achor, Brandon (R)
Boyd, Justin (R)
To amend the Prior Authorization Transparency Act; and to exclude the name of a reviewing physician from disclosure in an adverse determination notice under the Prior Authorization Transparency Act.
Bill History: 03-12-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 149 ...H-Insurance and Commerce
03-12-25 H Reported from committee - Do pass H-Insurance and Commerce
03-13-25 H Placed on the House calendar

HB 1722    Moore, Jeremiah (R)
Stubblefield, Gary (R)
To provide for the regulation of hemp-derived products by the Arkansas Tobacco Control Board; to amend Arkansas law to allow the regulation and purchase of hemp-derived products; and to declare an emergency.
Bill History: 03-10-25 H Filed
03-10-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Rules
03-12-25 H Committee hearing set for 12:00 p.m. - MAC Room B ...H-Rules

HB 1723    Pilkington, Aaron (R)
Scott, Jamie (D)
To amend Initiated Act 1 of 2000, also known as the Tobacco Settlement Proceeds Act; and to direct the Arkansas Minority Health Commission to establish and administer a grant program for school-based health centers.
Bill History: 03-10-25 H Filed
03-10-25 H Introduced and referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 2    Penzo, Clint (R)
Duffield, Matt (R)
To repeal the statewide fluoridation program; and to remove the mandate for water systems to maintain a fluoride content.
Bill History: 01-21-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-12-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-12-25 S Committee Motion for Do Pass Failed (Vote: Y: 4/N: 4)

SB 62    King, Bryan (R) To terminate the Arkansas Health and Opportunity for Me program; and to transfer all beneficiaries in the Arkansas Health and Opportunity for Me program to the traditional Arkansas Medicaid program.
Bill History: 01-14-25 S Filed
01-15-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Insurance and Commerce

SB 77    Johnson, Mark (R)
Mayberry, Julie (R)
To require the Arkansas Medicaid program to reimburse for physical therapy provided in a clinic-based setting.
Bill History: 02-12-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 86/N: 2)
02-13-25 S Enrolled in the Senate - Sent to Governor
02-18-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 103 )

SB 83    Bryant, Joshua (R)
Moore, Kendra (R)
To mandate coverage for breast reconstruction surgeries; to require prior authorization for breast reconstruction surgeries; and to establish a minimum reimbursement rate for breast reconstruction surgeries.
Bill History: 03-04-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 171 ...S-Insurance and Commerce
03-03-25 S Amendment(s) Filed
03-04-25 S Amendment 1 adopted

SB 99    Penzo, Clint (R)
Gramlich, Zachary (R)
To authorize a physician assistant to delegate certain tasks.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Received in the House - Referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-11-25 H Committee Motion for Do Pass Failed (Vote: Y: 8/N: 6)

SB 100    Penzo, Clint (R)
Gramlich, Zachary (R)
To authorize the Arkansas Medicaid program to recognize a physician assistant as a primary care provider.
Bill History: 03-04-25 H Received in the House - Referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-11-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Moved to deferred list H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 101    Penzo, Clint (R)
Gramlich, Zachary (R)
To establish the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact.
Bill History: 03-12-25 H Placed on the House calendar
03-12-25 H On floor for consideration in the House
03-12-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 98/N: 0)

SB 103    Penzo, Clint (R)
Lundstrum, Robin (R)
To create the Pharmacy Nondiscrimination Act; to require pharmacy benefits managers to accept any pharmacy or pharmacist willing to accept relevant and reasonable terms of participation; and to declare an emergency.
Bill History: 02-13-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 171 ...S-Insurance and Commerce
02-12-25 S Meeting cancelled for 02/13/25 ...S-Insurance and Commerce
03-13-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 171 ...S-Insurance and Commerce

SB 104    Penzo, Clint (R)
Lundstrum, Robin (R)
To amend the Arkansas Pharmacy Benefits Manager Licensure Act; to protect patients' rights and access to medications; and to declare an emergency.
Bill History: 02-13-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 171 ...S-Insurance and Commerce
02-12-25 S Meeting cancelled for 02/13/25 ...S-Insurance and Commerce
03-13-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 171 ...S-Insurance and Commerce

SB 117    Penzo, Clint (R) To create the Naturopathic Physician Practice Act; to provide for licensure of naturopathic physicians in Arkansas; and to create the Arkansas State Board of Naturopathy.
Bill History: 03-10-25 S Meeting cancelled for 03/10/25 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-11-25 S Amendment(s) Filed
03-11-25 S Amendment 3 adopted

SB 118    Penzo, Clint (R)
Bentley, Mary (R)
To amend the definition of "audiology" relating to the practice of audiologists.
Bill History: 03-11-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-11-25 H Committee Motion for Do Pass Failed
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 119    Penzo, Clint (R)
Pilkington, Aaron (R)
To establish the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact.
Bill History: 03-10-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 99/N: 0)
03-11-25 S Enrolled in the Senate - Sent to Governor
03-11-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 269 )

SB 121    Penzo, Clint (R) To amend the Automatic Occupational Licensure for Out-of-State Licensure Act; to apply the Automatic Occupational Licensure for Out-of-State Licensure Act to physician assistants.
Bill History: 01-27-25 S Filed
01-27-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
01-28-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 122    Penzo, Clint (R) To amend the Automatic Occupational Licensure for Out-of-State Licensure Act; to apply the Automatic Occupational Licensure for Out-of-State Licensure Act to physicians.
Bill History: 01-27-25 S Filed
01-27-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
01-28-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 137    Boyd, Justin (R)
Achor, Brandon (R)
To permit healthcare providers to maintain medical records in an electronic format.
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 93/N: 0)
02-20-25 S Enrolled in the Senate - Sent to Governor
02-24-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 141 )

SB 139    Boyd, Justin (R)
Gramlich, Zachary (R)
To clarify that a covenant not to compete agreement is unenforceable for certain licensed medical professionals.
Bill History: 03-03-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 86/N: 5)
03-03-25 S Enrolled in the Senate - Sent to Governor
03-04-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 232 )

SB 140    Boyd, Justin (R)
Achor, Brandon (R)
To mandate the use of biosimilar medicines under health benefit plans; to require a healthcare provider to prescribe biosimilar medicines; and to improve access to biosimilar medicines.
Bill History: 02-27-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 171 ...S-Insurance and Commerce
03-06-25 S Amendment(s) Filed
03-10-25 S Amendment 2 adopted

SB 141    King, Bryan (R) To eliminate funding to the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement.
Bill History: 01-29-25 S Introduced and referred to S-State Agencies
02-13-25 S Meeting set for Upon adjournment - Old Supreme Court ...S-State Agencies
02-14-25 S Moved to deferred list S-State Agencies

SB 189    Clark, Alan (R)
Bentley, Mary (R)
To authorize ivermectin for human use to be sold without a prescription or consultation with a healthcare professional.
Bill History: 03-06-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 31/N: 4)
03-06-25 H Received in the House - Referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 213    Irvin, Missy (R)
Pilkington, Aaron (R)
To create the Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Act; and to amend Arkansas law to improve maternal health in this state.
HB 1427 Pilkington, Aaron (Same As)
  2-20-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 124)
Bill History: 02-19-25 H Passed (Vote: Y: 76/N: 6)
02-20-25 S Enrolled in the Senate - Sent to Governor
02-24-25 G Signed by the Governor (Act: 140 )

SB 252    Dismang, Jonathan (R)
Wardlaw, Jeff (R)
To inform the public of health risks caused by vapor products and e-liquid products; to ensure the safety of Arkansas youth; and to declare an emergency.
Bill History: 03-11-25 S Meeting set for 10:30 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs
03-11-25 S Committee motion for D.P. as amended Failed (Vote: Y: 4/N: 3)
03-13-25 S Meeting set for 10:30 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-City, County and Local Affairs

SB 257    Penzo, Clint (R)
Lundstrum, Robin (R)
To amend the Medicaid Fairness Act; to extend the appeal period for providers in the Arkansas Medicaid Program; and to require comprehensive information in notices of adverse decisions.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Passed (Vote: Y: 35/N: 0)
02-26-25 H Received in the House - Referred to H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 H Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 130 ...H-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 262    Penzo, Clint (R)
Pilkington, Aaron (R)
To amend the corporate practice of medicine doctrine; and to authorize a licensed medical professional who owns a medical corporation to maintain ownership upon an inactive license or retirement.
Bill History: 02-20-25 S Filed
02-20-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
02-24-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 264    Irvin, Missy (R)
Johnson, Lee (R)
To establish the Arkansas Primary Care Payment Improvement Working Group.
Bill History: 03-10-25 S Meeting cancelled for 03/10/25 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Reported from committee - Do pass S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 S Placed on the Senate calendar

SB 287    Payton, John (R) To modify certain attorney fees for controverted medical expenses, appeals, and changes of physicians under the Workers' Compensation Law that resulted from Initiated Measure 1948, No. 4.
Bill History: 03-05-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Set for special order of business on and Labor ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Meeting set for 9:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 288    Payton, John (R) To modify a physician change under the Workers' Compensation Law that resulted from Initiated Measure 1948, No. 4.
Bill History: 03-12-25 S Meeting set for 9:00 a.m. - Room 272 ...S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-12-25 S Reported from committee - Do pass S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-13-25 S Placed on the Senate calendar

SB 331    Leding, Greg (D)
Johnson, Lee (R)
Concerning coverage for genetic testing for inherited cancer mutations; and to create the Genetic Testing Act.
Bill History: 02-27-25 S Filed
02-27-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Insurance and Commerce
03-13-25 S Meeting set for 10:00 a.m. - Room 171 ...S-Insurance and Commerce

SB 348    Penzo, Clint (R)
Pilkington, Aaron (R)
To amend the annual cap for diagnostic laboratory services within the Arkansas Medicaid program; and to declare an emergency.
Bill History: 02-27-25 S Filed
02-27-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-03-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SB 418    Payton, John (R) To amend the Workers' Compensation Law that resulted from Initiated Act 4 of 1948; and to establish a requirement for workers' compensation insurers to spend at least eighty-five percent of premiums on healthcare claims and wage claims.
Bill History: 03-10-25 S Filed
03-10-25 S Introduced and referred to S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor
03-11-25 S Moved to deferred list S-Public Health, Welfare and Labor

SCR 5    Irvin, Missy (R)
Barker, Sonia (R)
To continue to encourage the pursuit of National Cancer Institute designation by the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
Bill History: 02-26-25 S Filed
02-26-25 S Introduced and referred to calendar

- End of Report -